My Master Key Experience Week 1

Why is it so hard to follow through? You know how it is, we say we are going to make changes but don’t. Every year I make resolutions and, promises to myself I just can’t seem to keep. It is the one thing that I am most frustrated with myself about. It makes me feel like a complete failure.. Yeah, I keep a couple, but the most important ones, the ones that will make the most impact in my life, I fail at. Then I spend the rest of the year beating myself up because I did not accomplish what I set out to. Been there, done that. Over and over again.

I am excited about the process I am about to embark on. I will be learning, growing and becoming the person I have searched for. I’m not going to lie, I have my doubts. Am I going to be able to make the changes I need to make in order to achieve my dreams? Am I going to be consistent and, put in the work every day? There is still a part of me that is just a little afraid. But, that is exactly what has kept me from achieving all my dreams in the past. FEAR! Everything else I have tried has failed. What I am asking of myself right now is to just give this all I have. I am willing to be open-minded to this new experience.

This week, as I have followed the assignments, I have noticed myself looking forward to doing all my readings. I enjoyed working on my DMP. I am looking forward to the process of learning about myself. Really digging deep is going to help me decide what I truly want for my life and, for my family.

I was just telling my son last night about the power of visualizing and meditating on what you want. He has a few goals he wants to achieve with his art work. I explained to him that you think about you bring about. I now have to trust in the process. Only by doing so will I no longer allow my old blueprint to control my life.

One thought on “My Master Key Experience Week 1”

  1. Great first blog Eneida. One comment you made sticks out “the ones that will make the most impact in my life”. That is a problem most people live with and you now know it. Trust the course to change that for you. The course is build on little changes that lead to big one, so don’t worry. Just sit back and enjoy the course and it will happen for you.

    Jerry Bronner
    Certified Guide


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